Additional compensation is the payment for work effort that is clearly outside the scope of an employee’s job description and is performed outside of normal job duties.
The university has to ensure that such additional duties and compensation meet all legal requirements including, ethical guidelines, union contract provisions, fair labor standards, posting requirements, equal opportunity, along with other employment related laws and NJIT policies. As such, arrangements for additional compensation should be under extraordinary circumstances and must be approved prior to assignment of work to an employee.
Please note that if you are a non-exempt employee doing work on top of your regular working hours, that is over-time. You will enter overtime in time entry and NOT complete an additional compensation review form.
If you are seeking to have an employee receive additional compensation for work performed outside of the scope of their job description, please follow the following process:
Compensation team will review the additional compensation review submitted.
If the request for additional compensation is found appropriate, the supervisor should communicate the work and the compensation to the employee. Please note that it is the responsibility of supervisors to ensure that appropriate funds are available for compensating the employee for the proposed additional work, and that the employee has accepted the terms of the additional compensation.
If compensation is in the form of a one time payment, please submit the One Time Payment form here. If compensation is by way of biweekly payments for the duration of the additional duties, the PAF should be processed prior to commencement of the work. Compensation team will prepare the PAF and ask supervisors to get approvals.
Please note that PAFs without appropriate documentation will not be processed by HR.
Faculty overload teaching assignments and summer grant work covered under the provisions of the faculty handbook or contract are exempt from this process.