Union Contracts
NJIT has recognized the following agreements covering employees in his or her area of responsibility.
NJIT has recognized the following unions as the exclusive bargaining agents for employees within their respective bargaining units, and has entered into written collective bargaining agreements with each of them. Each supervisor/manager should become acquainted with the provisions of the agreements covering employees in his or her area of responsibility.
Successor Memorandum of Agreements
- 2019 AFSCME Successor Agreement
- 2019 LT MOA Successor Agreement
- 2019 OPEIU Successor Agreement
- 2019 SOA Successor Agreement
- 2021 UCAN Successor Agreement
- 2019 UCAN Adjunct Successor Agreement
- 2019 FOP Successor Agreement
- PSA/AAUP: Representing Faculty, and all professional staff with greater than a 60% full-time workload.
Current PSA/AAUP Contract
Previous PSA/AAUP Contract
AFSCME: Representing all operations and maintenance, department technical staff, and special services employees - Current AFSCME Agreement
- OPEIU: Representing all regular full-time and part-time employees which include secretarial/clerical, security and certain technical positions
Current OPEIU Contract
Previous OPEIU Contract - FOP: Representing all full-time employees employed as commissioned Police Officers
Current FOP Contract - SOA: Representing all full-time commissioned Police Sergeants
Current SOA Contract - FOP Lieutenants: Representing all full-time commissioned Police Lieutenants
Current FOP Lieutenants Contract
- United Council of Academics at NJIT, AFT, AFL-CIO (UCAN) – Representing all Graduate Student Teaching Assistants, Graduate Student Research Assistants, full-time Research staff and Adjuncts.
Current UCAN Contract
Current UCAN Adjunct Contract
Previous UCAN Contract
Previous UCAN Adjunct Contract
While each agreement outlines the principal terms negotiated between NJIT and the union, it does not cover every situation. From time to time, specific circumstances arise which require interpretation of the contract language. Such interpretation may lead to disagreements, which in turn may lead to the need for resolution through the grievance procedure of the agreement.
However, mutually acceptable interpretation generally is agreed upon between NJIT and the representatives of the unions. When such interpretations are reached which could affect the supervisor-employee relationship, supervisors will be advised.
It is contrary to New Jersey and federal law for any representative of management of NJIT to discriminate against any employee because he or she is a member of a union or active in a union. This is applicable when considering an employee for a promotion, transfer, assignment of job duties, discipline, and other related decisions that are the responsibility of the supervisor.
Questions relating to union matters and interpretations of union agreements or contract language should be referred to the Director of Labor and Employee Relations in Human Resources.